Jackie Pool
Nutrition coach for weight loss, mom of 3 very active boys, and just living a healthier and happier lifestyle
Morning and habitual Nutrition for Woman and Mothers who seek Weight loss and healthy lifestyle. Feel Rejuvenated, increase your confidence by making healthy habits part of your daily life!
Nutrition coach for weight loss, mom of 3 very active boys, and just living a healthier and happier lifestyle
Dr. Ellana Stinson, She's an award-winning emergency medicine physician and the founder of Safo Hair, dedicated to holistic wellness and innovative haircare solutions.
Meet Lizzie
Yoga Wake Up Co-Founders
It's our lifelong dream to encourage happiness and positivity in others, and we hope that Yoga Wake Up brings joy to your life.
We'll have you know... we weren't always morning people. But when Joaquín came up with the idea to wake us up with gentle yoga, gradually we started snoozing less and smiling more, all before 8 a.m. We trust this will happen for you too as you begin to feel the positive effects of waking up with yoga.
Together we can create a world of peace and happiness through regular yoga and meditation, self-reflection, kindness and compassion for others. Thanks for joining us on that mission. You're a part of it now too.